The RVA Iron Barbell Club is a coalition for powerlifters to engage and collaborate with a sense of solidarity through RVA Iron Gym. The Club was established to unite powerlifters in the greater Richmond area to provide a central support system regardless of skill set and federation affiliation. Our goal is to offer a community for powerlifters with the intent of education, awareness, and a community of engagement. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals seeking greater strength through power specific training in a competitive and training-forward environment.


Our Facility:

RVA Iron Barbell Club is outfitted with custom combo racks, Rogue Power Racks, and Deadlift Platforms. We have Texas Power Bars, Texas Deadlift Bars, Texas Squat Bars, Rogue Ohio Bars, Kabuki Deadlift Bar, Kabuki HD Trap Bar, Duffalo bar and more!


We have Eleiko Competition Kilo Powerlifting Plates and IPF certified KG collars. New Powerlifting Club Expansion coming 2024!


  • Who we are: The RVA Iron Barbell Club is a coalition for powerlifters to engage and collaborate with a sense of solidarity through RVA IRON Gym.

  • Why was the Barbell Club created? To engage with the powerlifting community across the Greater Richmond area.

  • Why should I join? The Barbell Club will provide a central support system for powerlifters regardless of skill set and federation.

  • Who is involved? RVA Iron Gym members who have a passion for powerlifting regardless of competition status or federation affiliation.

  • What is our goal? To offer a central hub for powerlifters with the intent of education, awareness, and a community of engagement.

  • Is there a Fee? There is an initiation fee of $75 to be a club member.

What do I get access to for joining the Club?

  • Barbell Club shirt and other swag

  • Bi-Weekly Club lifts and Social Outings

  • Assistance with finding meets/handlers for competition

  • How do I sign up? Contact us via our Instagram page @rvaironbarbellclub or show up to one of our club lifts!